Thursday, December 1, 2011

Kush Empire Technology

Kush Empire Technology

Technology Rating C+   (Josh)

            The Kush Empire was mainly based of the resource of iron. Their weapons and almost of their products were made of the production of iron. The Kush Empire also built pyramids that were smaller and shaped differently than Egyptian pyramids. Many pyramids and temples still stand so I can assume that the architecture was very good. A lot of the advancements in Egypt and the interaction with the outside world around the Mediterranean with the Greeks and Romans philosophers and teachers were done in the era that the Kushites controlled Egypt.

 I gave them a C+ rating because they didn’t create or improve anything greatly. They really just made pyramids that were similar to the Egyptians but smaller. They also didn’t make anything that impacted later society or other empires. One thing the Kush Empire did right was the way they started to interact with the world around them. They helped the Egyptians and later empires communicate and trade with the outside world.
